Far North Queensland DAMA
A new Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) has been signed for the Far North Queensland (FNQ) region. This covers the Cassowary Coast, the Tablelands, Mareeba, Cairns and the Douglas Shire and is administrated by the Cairns Chamber of Commerce. Applications for endorsement by the Designated Area Representative (DAR) are now open.
The DAMAs offer a pathway to permanent residence via the TSS program for eligible visa applicants, concessions for some applicants and can provide the ability for eligible businesses to access occupations not listed in ANZSCO. The FNQ DAMA covers 71 occupations and offers some concessions for English language, TSMIT and skills/experience.
Further details of the FNQ DAMA can be found at www.cairnschamber.com.au/fnq-dama.
The following DAMAs now offer potential pathways for migrants:
Northern Territory
The Goldfields, WA
Great South Coast, Victoria
Adelaide City and Regional SA
Orana, NSW
Far North Queensland
For advice in relation to these please contact us.