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NT DAMA offers new hope

In a time where so many temporary visa holders in Australia are desperately searching for a means of remaining permanently, the Northern Territory Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) offers new hope. The NT DAMA offers employers operating in the NT an opportunity to sponsor employees for a sc482 TSS visa under the labour agreement stream. They will still need to meet eligibility criteria including labour market testing, salary, English language and skills criteria. However, there are some concessions available and the DAMA provides a pathway to PR where only a short term TSS may otherwise have been available (or none at all).

Applicants would need to be willing to live in the NT for a number years while on their TSS visa, during the processing of the permanent visa and then for a further two years after grant of the visa. If you are willing to do this then this is a potential pathway where none otherwise existed.

For further advice on your eligibility please contact us.

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