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COVID-19 What if I need to travel to Australia?

Travel to Australia is currently restricted to the following people:

- Australian citizens

- permanent residents

- immediate family membesr of an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or

- New Zealand citizens usually resident in Australia.

If you are an immediate family member holding a temporary visa you will need to provide evidence of your relationship. The Department has indicated that if a de facto relationship has not been previously declared and evidenced to the Department, documents can be submitted via

Documents might include:

- Evidence of a child/ren of the relationship and shared responsibility for care and support of children;

- Evidence of shared finances or purchases, such as joint loan agreements for real estate, cars, major household appliances, operation of joint bank accounts;

- Evidence that a de facto couple are living together (or at least not living separately and apart permanently), such as joint ownership of residential property, joint residential leases, joint rental receipts, joint utilities accounts, correspondence addressed to either or both parties at the same address.

- Any other documents that demonstrate that a de facto couple is in a genuine and continuing relationship.

If you have an urgent, compassionate or compelling need to travel to Australia and do not fall within one of the exceptions above you will need to apply for an exemption - this includes temporary visa holders who are currently overseas and wishing to return to Australia (eg 457, TSS or student visa holders). See to apply

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