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Changes to exemption requests

The Department of Home Affairs created a new portal for requests for exemption from the Australian border closures. If you submitted a request prior to Friday 17 July 2020 and have still not received a response you will need to submit a new request through the portal.

You are automatically exempt from the border closure and can enter Australia without obtaining an exemption if you are:

- an Australian citizen

- a permanent resident of Australia

- an immediate family member of an Australian citizen or permanent resident

- a New Zealand citizen usually resident in Australia (and their immediate family members)

- a diplomat accredited to Australia holding a sc995 visa

- a traveller transiting for 72 hours or less

- airline crew

- maritime crew

However you will need to carry evidence that you meet one of the above categories.

In all other cases you will need to apply for an individual exemption. Please see for details on who may qualify for an exemption. If you are unsure or require assistance please conduct us for advice.

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